The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on quality of life of women with chronic low back pain
Researcher Bulletin of Medical Sciences,
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2019),
31 Shahrivar 2020
Page e11
Introduction: Acceptance and commitment therapy [ACT] can enhance psychological flexibility and
subsequently improve mental health and quality of life of individuals. Also, recovery of patients with
chronic low back pain (LBP) depends on several physical and psychological factors. Therefore, the
authors aimed to examine the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on quality
of life of women with chronic low back pain.
Materials and Methods: It was a semi-experimental research in pre-test and post-test design together
with control group. Participants were 14 women with chronic low back pain attending clinical centers
and hospitals of Rasht who were selected by convenience sampling. Next, they were randomly
assigned to experimental (ACT+ usual medical care) and the control group (usual medical care only).
Then, experimental group received ACT for 8 one-hour sessions. To analyze the data, covariance
analysis was used. The instrument was self-reported by the World Health Organization's quality of
life. Data analysis was performed using analysis of independent t-test.
Results: Results indicated reduction effect in pain severity in the patients who practiced 8 sessions
ACT reported significantly lower pain than patients who only received usual medical care. Also, the
results shows that except of subscale of physical health (p < 0.38) there was significant increase in all
other subscales of quality of life in experimental group (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The results show that acceptance and commitment therapy reduces pain severity and
improves the quality of life and recommends use of coping strategic with pain in patients with chronic
low back pain (CLBP). Counselling of treatment counsellors and family therapists recommended a
counselling centers and family education classes in order to improve quality of life of female patients
with CLBP.
- Acceptance and commitment therapy; Chronic low back Pain; Quality of life;Women
How to Cite
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